Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.
–Charlie Chaplin

As an award-winning Bi-coastal actor, Shane Salk has shared stages, screens, and microphones with talents such as Neil Patrick Harris, Jane Lynch, Neil Flynn, and Cameron Crowe. Originally hailing from Seattle, Washington, he got his BFA degree from Chapman University. Some highlights for Shane would include being cast as the First Genie in Aladdin for Disney Cruise Line and entertaining international audiences, and recurring on the PBS show “Hello, Hi, How, Are You. “He is also on the short, exclusive list of official talents allowed to voice the Joker from Batman. His entertainment interests range from discussing Shakespeare to a head-scratching knowledge of old-time radio shows and comedy. He and his Dog AJ are currently in the process of getting approved as a therapy dog for children’s hospitals.